The Project and Our Role

We were hired by a recipient of a Habitat for Humanity house via their Choptank Division to film the dedication of her home. Thrilled that she wanted us to be a part of her journey, we set out with a small crew to the Eastern Shore of Maryland to film the day.  Along with footage of the home, we also conducted a few interviews with friends, family, and the home owner. For this project we needed good audio (we had a dedicated person for this role) and enough footage to of the event. Once we captured every detail needed from the event, we edited the video, added some light color correction, and added few other bells and whistles to the project.

Deliverable and Post Project

Once the project was completed, we sent the final copy to Habitat for Humanity and the homeowner.

This video has helped us work with other non-profits that were in need of interview style videos in order to find funding, showcase company culture, and even for donor newsletters.