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From Darkness to Radiance: Child of Light – A Powerful Testament of Hope Amidst a Battle Against Cancer

In a world often overshadowed by the darkness of illness, “Child of Light” emerges as a beacon of faith, resilience, and unwavering hope. This compelling and inspirational book, authored by Teresa Koska, takes readers on a transformative journey through the author’s personal battle against cancer, her unwavering faith in God, and her unending desire to encourage those around her, illuminating a path of radiant hope even in the most challenging circumstances. 

What started with simple words of encouragement to a small group of friends via email, quickly began to turn into more readers as Teresa’s (also known as TK to those close to her) words about her perspective of life through her faith in God prompted her to start a blog for others to follow. The blog, “Words by TK” follows TK’s journey through the toughest of circumstances in her battle with cancer.  Her words give us inspiration and hope as they are not really her words, but God’s words through her.  More than anything, TK wanted God’s message of love to be spread to as many people as she could reach.  Through her book, her words, and God’s words, we continue her mission of faith.

Teresa graduated from UNCW with a BA degree in Fine Arts.  She used her talents in creating Wilmington’s first and finest full scale event design company.  Her unique ideas and artistic touches set Teresa apart by providing her clients with memorable occasions specifically designed for them. She found joy in painting as a release from the everyday demands of a busy lifestyle.  Her paintings are an expression of her love for art and beauty.  With subjects centered around her hometown of Wilmington, NC, Teresa transformed the canvas through her use of depth and layers to draw her audience into the nature which surrounds them. Teresa truly appreciated life and all the wonder of the natural world around her. As an artist, she enjoyed expressing her love of God’s creations by transforming even the simplest tree branch into a thing of beauty. She had a special place in her heart for all children and was known as YaYa to the many dear ones she cared for over the years. Her faithful soul shone through every day through her generosity and giving of herself to others. Teresa passed away on Oct 30, 2015 after a long battle with cancer.

“Child of Light” was released on December 2023, and can be purchased at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Books A Million, Walmart, Foyles, ThriftBooks, and other major retailers. You can also purchase Teresa’s art at For more information about the book, email: or call 910-765-4422.